Miss P had her 15 month appointment this morning. Dr. S said she is perfect (we already knew that) and has advanced motor skills (knew that too!). Payton got 4 shots today - chicken pox, MMR, Hep A, & PCV.... these are actually the 12 month shots, but we delayed them since she was getting over a cold. She was not happy during the exam or the shots... a little stranger anxiety and obviously the shots aren't pleasant.
She weighs 22 lbs 10 ozs (43rd percentile), is 31" long (62nd percentile), and has a big noggin like her daddy... head circumference is 18 3/4" (89th percentile).
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
I Pity Da Fool!
He Came!
The Santa setup

Big presents: swing set (I love that it's small enough to stay in the house while its super cold or super hot) and portable DVD player (although that's really for Lane and me)
stocking stuffers: DVDs, pink tractor fork, pjs, books, maze puzzle

P was hesitant for a split second and then was climbing all over the rock wall and sliding down the slide.

She only likes to use the periscope when someone is looking back at her.


Ready. Set.


She likes to swing herself this way. She gets more momentum facing backwards.

This was a present from YaYa and Drum.... the Leap Frog Fridge Farm. It must be on all.the.time.

Big presents: swing set (I love that it's small enough to stay in the house while its super cold or super hot) and portable DVD player (although that's really for Lane and me)
stocking stuffers: DVDs, pink tractor fork, pjs, books, maze puzzle

P was hesitant for a split second and then was climbing all over the rock wall and sliding down the slide.

She only likes to use the periscope when someone is looking back at her.


Ready. Set.


She likes to swing herself this way. She gets more momentum facing backwards.

This was a present from YaYa and Drum.... the Leap Frog Fridge Farm. It must be on all.the.time.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Just a few of the Chamblee family holiday traditions... some are just getting started and others Lane and I have done since we started dating.
Adopting an angel from the Angel Tree. This year we adopted an older boy and a girl, since they seem to be the last ones to be adopted. It was the best guilt free shopping I've had all year. I'm looking forward to Payton understanding why we're giving back to others and getting excited about picking out gifts for her angel.
Driving around looking at Christmas lights. We took P last night and it was so magical. We were all in our pjs and loaded up the truck with Scout and hot toddies (see recipe below). She really loves colored lights (much to my dismay...I'm a straight, white light kind of girl) and kept saying "aaaaah" and "oooooo". And even a few "pretty"s. Lane and I kept saying how we wonder what in the world is going through her head!
Christmas Eve service. I love going to church on Christmas Eve! The singing, the sermon, the sights, the smells, the celebration of Jesus' birth!
Santa. I can. not. wait. for tomorrow night!! I'm making a huge pot of hot toddies when we get home from church and Christmas with my family. It will make the house smell delicious and help us get into the Santa spirit!! Payton will go to sleep in her monogrammed Christmas jammies and Lane and I will start putting together her big present. It will be great to spend time just the 2 of us! I can't wait to see the look on P's face on Christmas morning!
Home. This is one of the most important traditions we're starting. Lane and I agreed that Payton will wake up in her house on Christmas morning. Santa will come here and we will celebrate in our own home. When she's older, we might have Christmas on a ski vacation, but that will only be because that's her big present from us.
Hot Toddy recipe
simmer 1 1/2 quarts apple juice and 1 1/2 quarts cranberry juice with 4 Cinnamon Sticks and a cheese cloth sachet or tea ball of 2 tsp whole allspice and 1 tsp cloves. Add Apple Pie liquor (or dark rum) to taste.
Adopting an angel from the Angel Tree. This year we adopted an older boy and a girl, since they seem to be the last ones to be adopted. It was the best guilt free shopping I've had all year. I'm looking forward to Payton understanding why we're giving back to others and getting excited about picking out gifts for her angel.
Driving around looking at Christmas lights. We took P last night and it was so magical. We were all in our pjs and loaded up the truck with Scout and hot toddies (see recipe below). She really loves colored lights (much to my dismay...I'm a straight, white light kind of girl) and kept saying "aaaaah" and "oooooo". And even a few "pretty"s. Lane and I kept saying how we wonder what in the world is going through her head!
Christmas Eve service. I love going to church on Christmas Eve! The singing, the sermon, the sights, the smells, the celebration of Jesus' birth!
Santa. I can. not. wait. for tomorrow night!! I'm making a huge pot of hot toddies when we get home from church and Christmas with my family. It will make the house smell delicious and help us get into the Santa spirit!! Payton will go to sleep in her monogrammed Christmas jammies and Lane and I will start putting together her big present. It will be great to spend time just the 2 of us! I can't wait to see the look on P's face on Christmas morning!
Home. This is one of the most important traditions we're starting. Lane and I agreed that Payton will wake up in her house on Christmas morning. Santa will come here and we will celebrate in our own home. When she's older, we might have Christmas on a ski vacation, but that will only be because that's her big present from us.
Hot Toddy recipe
simmer 1 1/2 quarts apple juice and 1 1/2 quarts cranberry juice with 4 Cinnamon Sticks and a cheese cloth sachet or tea ball of 2 tsp whole allspice and 1 tsp cloves. Add Apple Pie liquor (or dark rum) to taste.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
15 months
I'm blogging this since it's easier to jot it down than do a page in her baby book!
Words added since this post on August 5 (not bolded below):
diaper (will usually tell us when she needs a new one!)
nana (banana)
night night
thank you (and uses it appropriately)
brother (what we call Scout)
uh oh
yum yum
what does a ____ say:
doggy: woof woof
monkey: ooo ooo ooo
snake: sssssssss
tiger: arrrrr
duck: quack quack
cow: moo
santa: ho ho ho
cat: meow
favorite song:
Itsy Bitsy Spider (and can complete all the motions)
Words added since this post on August 5 (not bolded below):
diaper (will usually tell us when she needs a new one!)
nana (banana)
night night
thank you (and uses it appropriately)
brother (what we call Scout)
uh oh
yum yum
what does a ____ say:
doggy: woof woof
monkey: ooo ooo ooo
snake: sssssssss
tiger: arrrrr
duck: quack quack
cow: moo
santa: ho ho ho
cat: meow
favorite song:
Itsy Bitsy Spider (and can complete all the motions)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Santa - Take 2
Not the best picture, but at least she didn't have a complete meltdown! I think the fact that we went to a less intimidating set up helped tremendously.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas MeMe
1. Fresh Tree or Fake Tree: faux and prelit... it's just easier that way 
2. Favorite Ornament: Right now it's the 2007 silver PBK frame with P's Christmas picture in it (you can see it in the picture above)... I'm sure next year it will be the 2008 ornament.
3. Favorite Christmas Song: There are too many to list! Silent Night, Oh Come All Ye Faithful... you know, the classics you sing at candle light service.
4. Favorite Tradition: Driving around looking at lights. Eating tamales on Christmas Eve (this started when my mom was a little girl). Lane and I are starting new traditions this year that I'm sure will quickly take over the favorite position.
5. Favorite Gift Ever Received: I'm sure every year I have a favorite, but one that totally stands out is getting Girbaud jeans in 7th grade. I coveted those jeans and I know it was a total sacrifice for me to get $80 jeans.
6. Favorite Christmas Meal: Tamales on Christmas Eve!
7. Favorite Christmas Cookie: Not a cookie, but Nonnie and Deeda's divinity candy... They've made it every year they've been married! This will be their 51st year to make it!!!
8. Favorite Place To Be: With Lane and Payton... and to be very selfish, with my family... Momma, Daddy, Allie, Michael, Nonnie, Deeda, Tod, Rod, and Josh.
9. Favorite Memory: Going to candle light service on Christmas Eve. It just solidifies what the whole season is about and just makes you feel all warm and cozy on the inside.
10. Favorite Christmas Movie: The classics... Rudolph, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (animated, not the one with Jim Carrey)

2. Favorite Ornament: Right now it's the 2007 silver PBK frame with P's Christmas picture in it (you can see it in the picture above)... I'm sure next year it will be the 2008 ornament.
3. Favorite Christmas Song: There are too many to list! Silent Night, Oh Come All Ye Faithful... you know, the classics you sing at candle light service.
4. Favorite Tradition: Driving around looking at lights. Eating tamales on Christmas Eve (this started when my mom was a little girl). Lane and I are starting new traditions this year that I'm sure will quickly take over the favorite position.
5. Favorite Gift Ever Received: I'm sure every year I have a favorite, but one that totally stands out is getting Girbaud jeans in 7th grade. I coveted those jeans and I know it was a total sacrifice for me to get $80 jeans.
6. Favorite Christmas Meal: Tamales on Christmas Eve!
7. Favorite Christmas Cookie: Not a cookie, but Nonnie and Deeda's divinity candy... They've made it every year they've been married! This will be their 51st year to make it!!!
8. Favorite Place To Be: With Lane and Payton... and to be very selfish, with my family... Momma, Daddy, Allie, Michael, Nonnie, Deeda, Tod, Rod, and Josh.
9. Favorite Memory: Going to candle light service on Christmas Eve. It just solidifies what the whole season is about and just makes you feel all warm and cozy on the inside.
10. Favorite Christmas Movie: The classics... Rudolph, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (animated, not the one with Jim Carrey)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Santa - Take 1
Lane and I tried to take P to see Santa today. A local foo-foo children's boutique has a fantastic Santa and the photos are GORGEOUS! And an added bonus is there aren't the crazy lines like at the mall.
The photographer was reviewing pictures with another mom, but said we could bring P up to get acclimated with Ho Ho. Ummm, not so much! Lane sat next to Santa and P's eyes immediately filled with tears. I tried to hold her, but she still wasn't loving the man in the red suit. We're hoping this reaction was because she was tired and hungry and not because she's a typical toddler who freaks out over Santa ;) We're going to try again tomorrow after a nap and her class party.
The photographer was reviewing pictures with another mom, but said we could bring P up to get acclimated with Ho Ho. Ummm, not so much! Lane sat next to Santa and P's eyes immediately filled with tears. I tried to hold her, but she still wasn't loving the man in the red suit. We're hoping this reaction was because she was tired and hungry and not because she's a typical toddler who freaks out over Santa ;) We're going to try again tomorrow after a nap and her class party.
Teacher gifts
Tomorrow is Payton's Christmas party and last day of MDO until January. I wanted to get her teachers a little something.... Each one is color coordinated... green socks, green tulle, green Christmas tree ornament/ blue socks, blue tulle, blue snowflake ornament/ cream socks, brown tulle, pink and cream candy cane ornament.
~Pier 1 mug - $4
~BBW hazelnut candle - $2 (bought on sale in July)
~candy cane kisses - $1 per mug
~french vanilla hot cocoa - $.88 for 2
~BBW softest socks - $3.25
~orange spice, cranberry pomegranate, chai tea - free from my pantry
~I had the cellophane bags and tulle and tied it all together with a ceramic ornament.
Total - $11
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Snow Day!
Over the weekend we kept hearing threats of inclement weather coming sometime this week. Yesterday was just bloody cold, but it started sleeting/icing last night. This momma was praying for no precipitation (lots to do since Thursday is P's last MDO until January) while I'm sure all the area kiddos were praying for ICE!
Last night I checked P's Mom's Day Out handbook to see what school district they close with and found that it was 2 different districts. This morning I turned on the news and saw that one was delayed 2 hours and one was closed. Jenni texted me to say that MDO was delaying until 10:30... ok, I could handle that. I'd skip the Mom's lunch we'd planned, but I could still get done what I need to do. I was texting Jenni back when P's teacher called and said school was canceled.
This is what I saw out my front door... Looks like a cold, dreary day. The sidewalks were clear, the street looked fine.

A teeny bit of ice on L's truck.

Now, I'm not sure about y'all, but once I see the school I'm looking for, that's it... I'm done. Why would I keep watching to see if the school changed it's mind and closed? If the school is unsure, wait to make the announcement.
Can you imagine the cluster at the schools this morning? If you didn't keep watching the news or have a friend call you to tell you school was indeed canceled. And what a bummer if you got ready for school.... no school = SLEEP IN!!!
Last night I checked P's Mom's Day Out handbook to see what school district they close with and found that it was 2 different districts. This morning I turned on the news and saw that one was delayed 2 hours and one was closed. Jenni texted me to say that MDO was delaying until 10:30... ok, I could handle that. I'd skip the Mom's lunch we'd planned, but I could still get done what I need to do. I was texting Jenni back when P's teacher called and said school was canceled.
This is what I saw out my front door... Looks like a cold, dreary day. The sidewalks were clear, the street looked fine.

A teeny bit of ice on L's truck.

Now, I'm not sure about y'all, but once I see the school I'm looking for, that's it... I'm done. Why would I keep watching to see if the school changed it's mind and closed? If the school is unsure, wait to make the announcement.
Can you imagine the cluster at the schools this morning? If you didn't keep watching the news or have a friend call you to tell you school was indeed canceled. And what a bummer if you got ready for school.... no school = SLEEP IN!!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Just Let It Go!
Y'all all know how I'm trying to be more patient with all aspects of my life ... I'm sure every momma has lost their patience and then has the guilt associated with not exuding extreme patience all the time. Aren't we suppose to be saints or something ;)
I keep telling myself to just let.it.go... and I'm slowly getting better with it. It's so much easier to give the advise to all my mommy friends, but it's hard pill to swallow.
Tonight, my living room looked like this (I made the mistake of trying to organize P's new toy box with her in the room with me, and yes, that is a nekky baby you see).

I keep telling myself to just let.it.go... and I'm slowly getting better with it. It's so much easier to give the advise to all my mommy friends, but it's hard pill to swallow.
Tonight, my living room looked like this (I made the mistake of trying to organize P's new toy box with her in the room with me, and yes, that is a nekky baby you see).

Instead of losing it and getting frustrated with the mess, the fact that Lane wasn't coming home until late, and a clingy baby girl, all I could think about was "this is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." I need to start looking at the chaos and the whining baby who only wants me to hold her as a blessing, not a burden. God gave me this day and this life to rejoice in. So, in the midst of this huge mess/incomplete project, I sat on the floor with Payton in my lap and her Little Drummer Boy book, and we sang our hearts out (she's especially good at the pa-rum pum pum pum part).
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Making a List and Checking It Twice
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Richard's Tree
I received this email from Kris... I think she teaches with the author of the email.
How stinking cute is Richard? And what an amazing idea for his tree!!!
Y'all VOTE!!!! I just voted and Richard is in the lead with 88% of the votes!
http://www.neimanmarcus.com/store/service/poll.jhtml?pollCode=trees&icid=LocalStorePageTwo (vote the 4th tree on the page)

Hi – strange request but I could use your help for a friend. She is my best (and only) friend from high school (lori fogarty). She has a son that was born one week before Tori (yes, we were pregnant at the same time – how fun is that? – can't believe its been 8 ½ years). Anywho, when Richard was born he was born with Poland's syndrome and without one of his hands and is missing the pectoral muscle on the same side. Richard is the strongest, most amazing child and kids in his class when he was in kindergarten would tuck their arms into their sleeves with only their elbow hanging out so they could "be more like Richard" because he was "so cool".
Richard is now 8 ½ and Neiman Marcus solicited children for their ideas for the Christmas Trees in the downtown Dallas windows of Neiman's. Richards tree was chosen and he got the chance to work with the designers at Neimans to build his tree. His idea was to build a tree of all the gifts that Scottish Rite Hospital has given to children he has met over the years (wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, crutches and the like). They were so impressed in working with him that Home and Garden Television (HGTV) recently did a story on the Neiman's trees and wanted to interview Richard for their story.
So now … Neimans chose 6 trees and they were unveiled last week in downtown Dallas. They have opened up voting to the public for our favorite tree and well … here I am shamelessly asking you to go and vote for Richard because I know how deeply winning this would be for him. He has struggled with so many things that other little boys unknowingly take for granted and I have watched he and his family struggle and grow stronger over the years.
Just last month Richard was told by one of his teachers that if she were his mother she wouldn't have bought him tie shoes she would buy him Velcro shoes as she watched him struggle to tie his shoes on the playground. He came home in tears. He and Lori worked for literally years to learn to tie his shoes so he could wear tie shoes like his brothers and his friends.
I can't imagine how I would have reacted … but not Lori … She just told him that "well, Richard, this is why God gave you to me – because he knew I wouldn't sell you short. You can wear tie shoes and tie them just like all the other boys – and I am raising you to be a man and a man you are already becoming."
I want him to win this one and I want his mom to have this win for him (and for her too). I want her to have the first place award so she can beat that crappy teacher up with it. I want it for Lori because of the challenges she has faced with the schools and our community. I have a hard time writing and talking about him because of how deeply I have experienced this struggle from the outside and how deeply I love my friend and cannot begin to imagine the strength she has had to muster for things I know I have unknowingly taken for granted as a mother.
Sorry for the diatribe but if you could help me by voting for Richards tree on the Neimans website (notice the prosthetic hands reaching to the sky he designed at the top ….:) … ) … I'll keep you posted on the results (please also forward the link to those who think may vote too – FYI you can vote once a day – bookmark it if you will) …
How stinking cute is Richard? And what an amazing idea for his tree!!!
Y'all VOTE!!!! I just voted and Richard is in the lead with 88% of the votes!
http://www.neimanmarcus.com/store/service/poll.jhtml?pollCode=trees&icid=LocalStorePageTwo (vote the 4th tree on the page)

Hi – strange request but I could use your help for a friend. She is my best (and only) friend from high school (lori fogarty). She has a son that was born one week before Tori (yes, we were pregnant at the same time – how fun is that? – can't believe its been 8 ½ years). Anywho, when Richard was born he was born with Poland's syndrome and without one of his hands and is missing the pectoral muscle on the same side. Richard is the strongest, most amazing child and kids in his class when he was in kindergarten would tuck their arms into their sleeves with only their elbow hanging out so they could "be more like Richard" because he was "so cool".
Richard is now 8 ½ and Neiman Marcus solicited children for their ideas for the Christmas Trees in the downtown Dallas windows of Neiman's. Richards tree was chosen and he got the chance to work with the designers at Neimans to build his tree. His idea was to build a tree of all the gifts that Scottish Rite Hospital has given to children he has met over the years (wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, crutches and the like). They were so impressed in working with him that Home and Garden Television (HGTV) recently did a story on the Neiman's trees and wanted to interview Richard for their story.
So now … Neimans chose 6 trees and they were unveiled last week in downtown Dallas. They have opened up voting to the public for our favorite tree and well … here I am shamelessly asking you to go and vote for Richard because I know how deeply winning this would be for him. He has struggled with so many things that other little boys unknowingly take for granted and I have watched he and his family struggle and grow stronger over the years.
Just last month Richard was told by one of his teachers that if she were his mother she wouldn't have bought him tie shoes she would buy him Velcro shoes as she watched him struggle to tie his shoes on the playground. He came home in tears. He and Lori worked for literally years to learn to tie his shoes so he could wear tie shoes like his brothers and his friends.
I can't imagine how I would have reacted … but not Lori … She just told him that "well, Richard, this is why God gave you to me – because he knew I wouldn't sell you short. You can wear tie shoes and tie them just like all the other boys – and I am raising you to be a man and a man you are already becoming."
I want him to win this one and I want his mom to have this win for him (and for her too). I want her to have the first place award so she can beat that crappy teacher up with it. I want it for Lori because of the challenges she has faced with the schools and our community. I have a hard time writing and talking about him because of how deeply I have experienced this struggle from the outside and how deeply I love my friend and cannot begin to imagine the strength she has had to muster for things I know I have unknowingly taken for granted as a mother.
Sorry for the diatribe but if you could help me by voting for Richards tree on the Neimans website (notice the prosthetic hands reaching to the sky he designed at the top ….:) … ) … I'll keep you posted on the results (please also forward the link to those who think may vote too – FYI you can vote once a day – bookmark it if you will) …
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Miss P has the croup* (is it the croup or just croup? My Granny always said the croup, but maybe that's like the Walmart). We have 3 prescriptions.... a steroid, a stronger antibiotic, and a cough medicine. Poor baby just feels awful and there's nothing I can do to make it better. I think that's the worst thing about being a mom... knowing there's something wrong and not being able to make it ok.
*Croup is a group of respiratory diseases that often affect infants and children[1] under age 6. It is characterized by a barking cough; a whistling, obstructive sound (stridor) as the child breathes in; and hoarseness due to obstruction in the region of the larynx. It may be mild, moderate or severe, and severe cases, with breathing difficulty, can be fatal if not treated in a hospital.[2]
*Croup is a group of respiratory diseases that often affect infants and children[1] under age 6. It is characterized by a barking cough; a whistling, obstructive sound (stridor) as the child breathes in; and hoarseness due to obstruction in the region of the larynx. It may be mild, moderate or severe, and severe cases, with breathing difficulty, can be fatal if not treated in a hospital.[2]
I'm working on a project for Christmas and hopped on my sister's myspace to see if she had any pics of P that I don't have in my files. I happened to see a blog post Allie wrote yesterday:
I Miss That Little One
Current mood: sad Category: Life
I love that kid so damn much! Ugh I hate that I'm not there. I've been with her since she was 2 weeks old. We were so close it was scary! It just breaks my heart that I can't see her when I need a Payton fix. If you're reading this Court, give Miss P a hug & kiss from me please.
Love ya'll,Auntie Allie
Tears are still dripping all over my keyboard!
Allie moved in with Momma and Daddy while Michael was in Iraq...2 weeks after Payton was born. I have no doubt that if Michael wasn't about to leave for 15 months, she would've been at the hospital when I had P.
I remember Allie was so nervous and scared to hold Payton the first time... she thought she was going to drop her! She was a pro in no time! Mom and Allie came over every week day for several, several months... literally my life line when I was dealing with post partum depression (thank you zoloft!).
Allie and Payton have an indescribable bond. I truly believe they are each other's best friend. I hate that I don't get to see Allison on a regular basis and it makes me so sad that Payton doesn't get to see her Auntie Allie at least once a week anymore. I'm SO ready for Allie and Michael to get here for the holidays! Only 10 more sleeps!!!

Halloween 2007. Allie could put P in the Bjorn and she'd be out in seconds!

Yum! Cheez-its.

Having so much fun together!

Absolute adoration for one another

I Miss That Little One
Current mood: sad Category: Life
I love that kid so damn much! Ugh I hate that I'm not there. I've been with her since she was 2 weeks old. We were so close it was scary! It just breaks my heart that I can't see her when I need a Payton fix. If you're reading this Court, give Miss P a hug & kiss from me please.
Love ya'll,Auntie Allie
Tears are still dripping all over my keyboard!
Allie moved in with Momma and Daddy while Michael was in Iraq...2 weeks after Payton was born. I have no doubt that if Michael wasn't about to leave for 15 months, she would've been at the hospital when I had P.
I remember Allie was so nervous and scared to hold Payton the first time... she thought she was going to drop her! She was a pro in no time! Mom and Allie came over every week day for several, several months... literally my life line when I was dealing with post partum depression (thank you zoloft!).
Allie and Payton have an indescribable bond. I truly believe they are each other's best friend. I hate that I don't get to see Allison on a regular basis and it makes me so sad that Payton doesn't get to see her Auntie Allie at least once a week anymore. I'm SO ready for Allie and Michael to get here for the holidays! Only 10 more sleeps!!!

Halloween 2007. Allie could put P in the Bjorn and she'd be out in seconds!

Yum! Cheez-its.

Having so much fun together!

Absolute adoration for one another

So sad to leave.....
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Sick Baby
Miss Priss is super sick! She is crazy congested, super fussy, hardly slept last night and had a fever of 102.3. We went to an after hours pediatrician this morning to see what was going on... another ear infection and bad cold. When I got home from filling the prescription, I walked upstairs to see this....
Monday, December 1, 2008
Roll Tide!
Jay, Ashley, Lane and I went to Tuscaloosa on Saturday for the Iron Bowl (Alabama vs Auburn). The forecast called for cold and rain... It rained Friday night and into Saturday, but luckily stopped before kickoff. We were in the upper deck and a fog rolled in, so it was a bit damp, but we had a blast! This was the first time in 6 years that Alabama beat Auburn... 36-0...not to mention Alabama is #1 in the country. Let's hope we're headed to Miami in January for the National Championship.
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