Wednesday, September 19, 2007

almost 40 weeks

Well, I'm 4 cm dilated and 80% effaced. We go in tomorrow morning at 7:15 to get hooked up to the IV and pitocin will be started... she'll also break my water. She did say I can have the epidural whenever I'm ready for it. Such a tough call. In a strange way, I want to experience some contractions, but everything I've heard about pitocin contractions make me not want to. I'm also nervous about the epi wearing off before she's here.

We'll post pics soon and look for an email from my mom or Lane.


Carole said...

I meant I got an epidural after 4 hours, not an IV.

Carole said...

okay, so I know I've been commenting like crazy but I'm totally excited for you because your experience is so close to mine! I was induced at 39 weeks and 4 days. When I went in that morning I was dilated to a 3 and 75% effaced, so you're a little further than me. They started pitocin and an IV then broke my water 2 hours later. I had SUCH AN EASY LABOR! Although, I got an IV after 4 hours of labor, I totally could've endured more (I just figured I'd be getting it at some point, so why not now). Don't get me wrong, it was painful, but bearable. So be encouraged! I can't wait to hear about it:)

Sorry this is like the longest comment ever.

michelle roos said...

sorry you know i have to put in my two cents. I say feel a couple of contractions and then ask for the epidural because why suffer if you don't have to? Although i totally get the point of wanting to experience actual childbirth...