We found out we were expecting on Christmas Day (LC said he didn't see the line, but any woman would've seen it!)... talk about an unexpected Christmas present! I think God's still working on my need to control things... my type-A self was shocked to say the least since we weren't planning on even trying until late this summer! He knows what our family needs and how far apart our kiddos need to be!
Baby C #2 is due September 1, but my OB (a different doctor than I used with P) thinks I'll go at the end of August! He also offered me an elective C-section since I had a 4th degree tear with Miss Priss. God love the man that thinks that a tear that severe is a problem! I still haven't decided what to do on that front... the planner in me thinks it'd be great to know for sure when Baby #2 is coming, but the other part of me thinks why have surgery and the recovery if I don't have to?
In preparation for the new addition, we're putting the house on the market next week (we have our bedroom and P's bedroom upstairs and a guest bedroom downstairs... I don't want one kiddo downstairs by themselves), so many, many prayers are needed! I'd love to sell this house and be completely settled into the new one several months before Baby C #2 decides to make their entrance.
And of course, I'm pulling for August 22nd.....
Love ya
Many congrats to ya'll on the newest addition to our family tree! I don't care when Brother/Sister gets here, I just want you both to be healthy and happy. Can't wait to watch P with the little one. Now the name game begins...
PS About time you let everyone know! I've been going crazy keeping my mouth shut!
Yea!!!! So glad the news is out and we can freely chat. Online. To our closest friends, IRL and otherwise. :)
Congrats to our best friends! Baby #2 is so lucky to be welcomed into such a special family with loving parents. And Miss P will love being a big sister!
And love the shirt - great job! :)
YAY! Congrats on the upcoming addition to the family. So happy for all of you!
Jess Spohn
FINALLY! I have been waiting (checking your blog daily) to see when you were going to announce. I haven't even told Jason yet! He'll be thrilled for you guys.
Are you going to find out what it is? Ya gotta keep me in the loop!
So happy for you and we will be praying for a speedy sell of your house and to find a new one....quick.
Love ya girl!
Congrats...you will love having them close. Hope all is well and you feel better/less tired. Good luck on the house selling. We had friends that sold their house within 3 weeks recently so that is good since its the same area. We still need to do a playdate...are you up for Friday???
Congrats Courtney! I'm so excited for you!
Okay I know you didn't solicit any advice or anything, but I just wanted to let you know that I was TRAUMATIZED by my tear with Hunter (and it wasn't even 4th degree!). Never knew pain until then...for WEEKS I was miserable. Anyway, I was very concerned about this so at my first doctor's visit with this pregnancy, I talked to my doctor about how scared I was for it to happen again. He said that most mommies don't complain of that pain with their second, and everyone I've asked with multiple children has confirmed it. Just FYI. I know that's a tough decision, so I'll pray about it with you!
Again, I'm so excited for y'all!
Courtney--this is fabulous news! I've obviously missed checking your blog for a while. :)
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