This morning, we took Miss Priss to Build A Bear to make a little something for her and Little Miss. Turns out, you can't buy "little somethings", so we now have two large-ish stuffed animals (I think stuffed animals are the bane of any mom's existence... what do you do with all of them??). The plan is for P to take the animal up to the hospital when she first meets T.
P selected a bunny for sister and a kitty for herself. As we were waiting, she spotted this Hello Kitty monstrosity... luckily, we were able to distract and put it back in the bin!

Picking out the hearts for "Bunny" and "Meow"

Sewing up "Meow"

Holding Sister's finished bunny

Holding "Bunny" and "Meow"
1 comment:
That's a really cute idea! She looks like such a big girl in her jean skirt:)
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