4 generations... Aya, me/Teagan, and Nonnie

My friend Carole. She's due on the 31st with baby Charlotte. Yes, my belly is bigger than Carole's and she's 4 weeks ahead of me! Carole is so sweet and says it's because she's taller and carries closer to her body.

The Kappas minus Parra... It's so crazy to think I've been friends with these amazing ladies for almost 10 years!!

The drink set up. Mimosas and a yummy pink punch.

The food... baked brie, mini quiche, strudel bites, and fruit salad

The sweet cravings table!

Kristin made those adorable onesies on the clothes line.

Big and Little Sister tees from Aya.

The cutest tooth fairy pillows from the Barkleys. Mere always finds the.best.gifts!

Teagan's first bathing suit from Nonnie and Deeda. They gave P her first suit too. My kiddos are destined to be water babies.