Teagan is measuring a week ahead (34 weeks 6 days), weighs about 5 pounds 7 ounces and is 18.5 inches long. Obviously these are only estimates, but DANG! she's a big baby. Payton was 7 pounds 4 ounces when she was born at 40 weeks. We discussed an induction or scheduled C-section at 39 weeks, so I don't have a 4th degree tear this time. The long term effects of another tear that severe are not pleasant at all. Dr R scheduled another sono in 3 weeks for a weight check, and we'll decide how to proceed.

Here's the 3D version... her face is smooshed against the placenta, so it's a tad distorted.
Forgot to add: Does this mean you can now change the heading of your blog???
So glad you FINALLY have a name for Baby Girl C Number 2! Smooshed face or not, my Teagan is absolutely adorable. She looks so much like her big sister and I can't wait to snuggle her up!
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