Today, LC and Miss
Priss headed to Birmingham to see
LC's family. My doctor didn't want me to travel after 32 weeks, so I'm home alone.... This is only the 3rd time P and I have been away from each other... and the two other times I left her. I know I'm so blessed to stay at home with her and not have to travel for work, but it still tugs at my heart. My house is so clean! And quiet! And I don't like it one bit!!!
Yes, I'm
that mom... the one that's organized to the hilt... the one that packs every everything in it's own
ziplock: each outfit is in it's own bag, the swim diapers with the swim suit and cover up, the overnight diapers, etc....

As I was packing, P was modeling
LC's backpack.

And had to look at herself in the mirror (we have to look several times a day... once she gets dressed, once her hair is done, if she puts a necklace on....) and fix her own hair.

She's adorable and she knows it! Such confidence at such a young age. I hope it stays that way!

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