Monday, September 17, 2007


Saturday morning Lane and I went to the hospital since I thought I had been contracting and the nurse checked me. Said I was a good 4, almost 5 cm dilated. I asked if I was staying and she said she just needed to call the doctor (not my OB, but another in her practice), but most likely yes. She came in a few minutes later with all the "stuff" to start the IV. Guess I was staying!!! I called my mom and dad, Lane called his family and as overwhelming as it all was, we were so excited that Payton was coming!! I made it through about half the bag of IV fluids and the doctor made it up to the hospital. She checked me very roughly with her man hands and said I wasn't in labor, was barely a 3 and not even 50% effaced. Funny, since at the appointment on Thursday, MY doctor said I was a good 3 and 75% effaced (and had been for 2 weeks). The nurses felt so bad since they started the IV, etc....Contractions have been coming on and off Saturday and yesterday.

This morning I had every intention on going into work to wrap everything up because if Payton isn't here in the next 3 days, I'm being induced on Thursday morning at 7:30. Cross your fingers that these contractions that I'm having now are the "real" thing and continue to get more painful and more regular (never thought I'd be wishing for pain)... they definitely hurt worse than what was going on on Friday and Saturday.


Carole said...

i'm so sorry! that's so frustrating!

michelle roos said...

stupid dr. with her MAN hands!